La Capitale offers the possibility of obtaining a quick and detailed quote for car insurance. It also provides various financial services to individuals, businesses and brokers.

The company wanted to simplify its online car insurance quote process to be more competitive and to improve the customer experience. Improving the mobile version was also at the heart of the project.

A simple, easy‑to‑use web form

Nmédia was entrusted with redesigning the quote form (desktop and mobile versions) so that users could complete it more quickly and easily.

The main challenge was to create a simple, easy‑to‑use submission form to increase the number of completed forms. The form had to be structured around twenty questions to establish a price in real‑time. The entire process had to take less than five minutes to complete, and several progress scenarios also had to be considered. Improving the mobile version of the form was also one of Nmédia’s objectives for the custom development team.

A few essential elements quickly became apparent during development. Our team had to anticipate customer responses to ensure the form met their needs. The form also had to incorporate real‑time price adjustment, a percentage of accuracy, and display the user’s progress during completion. Help tools were also included to enhance the customer experience.

A UX approach to form creation

We worked with the client to assess the number of steps required to distribute the questions. We analyzed the competition and identified best practices for creating the form. Ultimately, our teams created several versions of wireframes to determine the ideal order of the questions.

User testing enabled us to test the interfaces with the target audience and fine‑tune them before the final production of the new simplified submission form.

Two rounds of testing were required with 18 participants to determine the preferred form prototype:

  • Round 1—Testing with 3 form scenarios to analyze the following:
    • Ease of answering questions
    • Perception of the progression logic of the three prototypes (A, B, C)
    • Perception of time and speed to complete submission
    • General understanding by the user
    • Task success
  • Round 2—Tests with participants on mobile and desktop to validate the following:
    • Ease of answering questions
    • Perception of submission form length
    • General understanding of the offer
    • Knowledge of the price and the $50 promotion

With these two rounds of testing completed, the form could finally be created on both desktop and mobile versions. The results met expectations, with an improved time to obtain a real‑time price: less than 5 minutes versus 15 to 20 minutes on previous versions. La Capitale saw an increase of over 20% in the number of bids started, and finalized bids have also increased significantly.

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