Employer branding reflects the perception of your employees and your organization's stakeholders. Every company has its brand image. Does yours match what you want to promote as corporate values?

Maude Forget-Bray
March 6, 2023
Photographie de deux personnes en train d'analyser un document

Employer branding reflects the perception of your employees and your organization's stakeholders. Every company has its brand image. Does yours match what you want to promote as corporate values?

Maude Forget-Bray
March 6, 2023

If things like salary, job stability, and traditional benefits are losing value, it's partly because workers know they can find the same conditions elsewhere. A positive work environment and shared values are increasingly important to candidates. They tend to choose an organization because they are proud to work there.

By implementing an HR marketing strategy, you can:

  • Improve the perception of your company;
  • Increase the effectiveness of your recruitment campaigns;
  • Mobilize your current employees to retain them.

Good HR marketing is the key to reducing turnover and winning the battle for talent, and Nmédia can help you succeed!

HR marketing vs. employer branding

The concepts of HR marketing and employer branding should be distinct. Through HR marketing, a company positions itself and defines its employer brand.

Convincing potential candidates with HR marketing

By highlighting your corporate culture identity with a recruitment strategy, you'll position yourself in your market and differentiate yourself from your competition. By finding the meeting point between your brand identity and the expectations of the candidates you're looking for, you'll be able to attract talent with similar values to your company.

Effective HR marketing attracts qualified people in terms of skills and personality. The better established your employer brand is, the more these candidates will come to you. All it takes is the right strategy!

Investing in your employer brand pays off financially by getting your team more involved and socially by creating a positive working environment. Potential employees who feel enthusiastic about working for you will inevitably perform better once hired.

The importance of employer branding in figures

Employer branding plays an essential role in recruitment. According to a study by the professional network LinkedIn:

  • 28% of SMEs experienced a drop in turnover after improving their employer brand;
  • 59% of companies are investing more in branding as a recruitment strategy;
  • 72% of hiring managers believe that employer branding has a significant impact on hiring;
  • 86% of job seekers visit a company's career site during their search.

In short, improving your employer brand can help you to:

  • Attract qualified talent for your available jobs
  • Increase employee retention
  • Optimize your recruitment and training budgets

Tactics for investing effectively in your brand image

Many techniques and tools can help you overcome visibility challenges in the digital world. Among other things, by clearly analyzing your organization's market and position compared to your competitors, you'll be able to define your objectives and find the right strategy to achieve them.

Here are a few foolproof tactics to help you stand out on the Web:

  1. Forge your company's digital identity by selecting the proper contact channels and establishing a content strategy. Candidates need to feel engaged by your company.
  2. Respond to the most frequent searches by leveraging paid search, such as buying Google keywords and optimizing your site's content.
  3. Build an accessible career site to attract job seekers' interest and enable them to apply.
  4. Capture candidate information to design personalized job alerts and maintain ongoing contact.
  5. Create advertising campaigns to highlight job openings on social media or Google, and sponsor a few high-performing publications.

Validating the effectiveness of your strategy

To ensure that a strategy works, it must necessarily have performance indicators. If the impact of actions is never studied, you won't be able to see if you're getting closer to achieving your objectives or if you need to re-evaluate your strategy along the way. That's why strategy analysis must be based on the performance indicators that apply to your reality.

For example, concerning the rate of applications received during a recruitment campaign, here are the questions to ask yourself:

  • Do the applications received correspond to the talent sought?
  • Has the recruitment time been reduced? Has your HR staff's investment improved since the strategy was implemented?
  • How many visits have there been to the career site? Which job has the best click-through rate?
  • How many interactions have there been on social media and advertising campaigns?

You can review your practices and adapt them by analyzing different metrics. The important thing is to remain relevant, consistent, and accurate to your employer brand. This will enable you to stand out, reach suitable candidates and recruit the bests more effectively.

Nmédia, your ally in digital recruitment strategies

So, now you're familiar with different tactics that can help you recruit the right talent. Our digital experience specialists can also help you meet your workforce needs with strategies tailored to your reality.

To learn more about digital recruitment strategies, read our article on how to reach candidates with digital recruitment. Learn more about our HR marketing service, or contact us to showcase your employer brand to potential candidates.

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