Screenshot of the advertising strategy for Fitness for life
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Since its founding in 2019, Fitness For Life in Montreal has been committed to providing its customers with the best sports equipment. The online store boasts an extensive offering of gym equipment, bodybuilding gear, and other sports equipment, such as kayaks and paddleboards.

With a Shopify e‑commerce site already created by its team, Fitness For Life’s needs lay elsewhere. With few conversions and sales below target, acquiring new customers for its products was a priority for the brand. Web agency Projet1047, a Nmédia business unit specialized in supporting small Quebec businesses, was commissioned by Fitness For Life to optimize the marketing strategy and increase the conversion rate.

Analysis and recommendations to boost sales

Following an analysis by the Projet1047 team, recommendations were made to improve the Fitness For Life website. The in‑house team carried out these modifications directly, in line with the customer’s needs. Subsequently, further recommendations were made to revise the advertisements and visuals used. Throughout these recommendations, the Fitness For Life team benefited from continuous monitoring by Projet1047 to adjust the strategy according to the results. Similar recommendations were also made when Fitness For Life launched its new flagship products, kayaks and paddleboards.

With positive initial results and a return on investment within the first year, Fitness For Life did not hesitate to renew its confidence in the Projet1047 team, reinvesting its profits in further optimization.

Google Ads optimization

To pursue and accelerate the paid search strategy, Projet1047 didn’t hesitate to enlist the help of an SEO/SEM specialist from the Nmédia team to help optimize the advertising campaigns. A new advertising campaign strategy was implemented using Google Ads.

The results were well worth the investment: after several months of campaigning, Fitness For Life recorded a Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) over $40. Every dollar invested in ads generated over $40 in revenue. The optimization of Google Ads on certain products was so effective that the brand sometimes had to scale down ads due to out‑of‑stock situations for certain products, victims of their success.

The effectiveness of this optimization was also due to the regular monitoring carried out by the Projet1047 team, which allowed them to continue adjusting the campaigns as needed.

Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)
+ 7,22%
Conversion rates
+ 160

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