Screenshot of the Crazy Leeks and Culture de chez nous website redesign
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A proud Nmédia collaborator for over ten years and the largest leek producer in Quebec, Les Cultures de chez nous and its foodie version, Crazy Leeks, needs no further introduction. Faced with the evolution of digital technologies and to continue providing the best possible platform, Nmédia redesigned the company’s two websites.

These redesigns of the Crazy Leeks and Cultures de chez nous websites are part of a more global digital marketing strategy initiated by our web agency several years ago. The Crazy Leeks site, which existed before this redesign, had been reaping the rewards of good SEO practices, an attractive brand image and a rich content strategy. The site benefits substantial content, with nearly 1,000 recipes and over 200 blog posts.

During these redesigns, one of the main challenges for the Nmédia team was maintaining good SEO positioning during this transition between the two platforms. However, the objective of both sites remains the same: to continue offering recipes and content highlighting fruits and vegetables grown by Les Cultures de chez nous.

A redesign and better correlation between the two websites

One of the main challenges of these redesigns stems from an observation. While Crazy Leeks benefits from increased visibility on search engines and significant traffic from loyal users, there is a mismatch between the two brands. Customers visiting grocery stores don’t necessarily make the connection between Les Cultures de chez nous and Crazy Leeks products.

The aim was, therefore, to create a stronger association between the two brands through these redesigns. To achieve this, a tab for quickly switching from one website to the other is now available at the top of the navigation window at all times. In the same vein, depending on which site the user is on, blocks invite them to visit the other site to discover either the history of the family business behind Les Cultures de chez nous or the inspiring culinary side of Crazy Leeks. Once again, these blocks forge the link between the two entities in the user’s mind.

Enhanced user experience with a host of new features

The redesign was also an opportunity to enhance the user experience (UX). To this end, new features were added to distinguish the Crazy Leeks site in the highly competitive field of recipe and culinary inspiration websites.

  • The addition of better navigation filter options to simplify the search for the right recipe for users.
  • The search for content on the website has also been improved, with faster searching and more intelligent results.
  • A handy feature on every recipe on the Crazy Leeks website is the ability to keep the screen on so that users don’t have to keep coming back to unlock their phone or tablet while they’re in the middle of a recipe.
  • The Crazy Leeks website continues to be regularly updated with new recipes and photos, new blog posts, and improved filters, including a recipe search by budget, which is forthcoming.

The redesigns also allowed our team to make other adjustments to both sites. SEO benefited in particular from adding Schema tags to make recipes stand out more efficiently in search engines. The website’s code was also optimized to improve site loading times. Finally, the Crazy Leeks and Cultures de chez nous brand images have been updated to offer two more modern logos. This updated brand image was reflected in a visual overhaul of both websites. At the same time, all content, including recipes, was revised and optimized for even better SEO.

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